Why Personalisation is Any Good
I saw a recent article saying the digital ad industry was using “useless, garbage data” to offer up the targeted ads.
Personalisation in ads has been questionable for a very long time, not to mention the amount of discussion and investment around personalised marketing.
But the clued on have always been a bit bearish.
The platforms that utilise it don’t really know it’s you unless you’ve keyed in info and it’s stored around the place that it’s you. That’s where the problem is.
You need to be clear on your offer and WHO you offer that to.
You can not do that well in an open environment by greedy ad platforms.
You need to control the platform.
The only owned platform you control is your email list. No algorithms, no wide array or obscure buckets to land in. Just the ones you’ve set up prior and a well designed strategy.
Now if you know who you send your offer to on your email list, your conversion rate will sky rocket compared to ads platforms.
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